If your HVAC is not working the way it used to, one of the first things to check is if the air duct needs to be cleaned or replaced. Air ducts rarely get any attention or love. You never really see the air duct, so it’s a classic case of out of sight out of mind. Unfortunately, this can lead to ineffective and old air ducts that don’t work the way they should. Ineffective ducts should be replaced, but how can you tell when it’s time for replacements? Here are five signs that it might be time to replace your air ducts.


With proper care and maintenance, air ducts may be able to last up to 10 years, but wear and tear will cause their performance to deteriorate. Seals, joints, and seams may sustain damage that will affect the overall performance of the HVAC. It is important to maintain your air ducts and replace them every 10 years or so.


If the HVAC isn’t cooling the house like it used to, it may be because the air duct is too old, filthy, or clogged. The HVAC will need to be set at a higher temperature to cool the house and will use more energy. This will increase your bills as well.

Punctures & Dents

If there are any dents, punctures, or holes in the air duct, most of the cool air will be sucked out and never reach the inside of the house. A punctured HVAC will be operating at half its capacity.
Call a professional HVAC technician to inspect the duct thoroughly for holes and tears. If there are any perforations, the duct will need to be replaced.

Odors & Mold

If mold spores get into your air duct, they can spread throughout the house and cause serious health issues. If you smell mold or other odd odors spreading around the house and can’t detect the source, call in an HVAC technician to check the ducts. It may be possible to clean the moldy ducts, but it’s always best to replace them when mold is involved.

Strange Noises

If you notice strange noises coming out of the air duct (noises that you had never noticed before), it may be time to replace the duct. Noises are usually an indication of a serious underlying problem. Call an HVAC professional immediately.

Call an HVAC Replacement Company for Help

If your HVAC’s airflow seems low, the electricity bills are unusually high, you smell mold or an unpleasant odor emanating from the HVAC, or odd noises are coming from it, it’s time to call in a professional to look at your HVAC. They will replace the air duct to get your HVAC running as good as new. If you’re looking for local HVAC replacement services in Southern Utah, contact Snow Canyon HVAC. Residents of Southern Utah know no one knows HVAC like Snow Canyon. Excellent service at affordable rates is our motto. Contact us today.